Soulwaves Therapy
Special Woman's health package
Reflexology + yoga
Yoga and Meditation for stress relief
What do you need more in your life of?
Energy? Abundance? Inner peace? Love? Harmonious relationships? Happy marriage? Feminine energy? Support for new beginnings? Support for your dreams to come true? Intuition? Joy? Happiness? Open heart? Harmony?
... you name - I paint it :)
Soulwaves Therapy
Soulwaves Therapy is a way to go in the direction of self-love, creating a happy and joyful life, connect with your inner voice and release pain, blockages, old patterns, negative thoughts and stress from your body, mind and soul.
The Reflexology foot massage can help you to release the pain, blockages and stress in your body and to start up the body's self-healing process.
Metamorphic Technique enables the individual to free deep blocks in their body's energy pattern and bring about resolution of stuck patterns at the root of problems in their life and health.
Access Bars therapies dissolve the main blockages in all areas of life and body.
Check out also the special packages created for supporting women's health and/or fertility.
And the mandalas? Discover if they are calling you :)